forever my mind always thinking of you in the darkness my soul find out who you are if you see me now i'm buried cause of you but reality you didn't know who i'm
u touch my life with a thousand word i think that ur word can change my life But the dreams is only the dreams, I feel so lonely I'm a stranger in your eyes, walls are closing in on me
u're like the wind and i can't touch i spent my time to touch every time i try and i never succeed to touch the life is not fair to me
why u're so cruel to me i only ask u to know who am i i never ask u much more like everyone ask u i only hope that I’m yours forever.......
Silahkan tinggal kan pesan and disini
ini baru Coooool
wa inget sama almarhum bro!!!!
waduhjd inget kebaikan doi.
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