Principle of Educations
Lecturer: Aminuddin Rasyad
Session: 1
Date: March 14th, 2009
Education comes from the word of educare or educre (Greek) means to pull out from the beneth.
The Foundation of Education
A. Description
this lecture discuses and to analyzes the concept on theories on educationrelates to the duty of the teacher at school in teaching learning process in efforting to promote and educare the students in anticipating for the good future basic on the rule of educational law number 20 the year 2003
B. The Aim and Competencies
After having this lecture the students have
Session: 1
Date: March 14th, 2009
Education comes from the word of educare or educre (Greek) means to pull out from the beneth.
The Foundation of Education
A. Description
this lecture discuses and to analyzes the concept on theories on educationrelates to the duty of the teacher at school in teaching learning process in efforting to promote and educare the students in anticipating for the good future basic on the rule of educational law number 20 the year 2003
B. The Aim and Competencies
After having this lecture the students have
- The ability to to understand and mastering of sucject and be able to apply induty.
- The wide horizone on education and its function to make students to be good citizen.
- The ability to make depth the concepts and theories of education by much reading from literatures.
C. Basic Course of Outline
- The foundation in the world.
- The rule of philosophy in education
- Homo educandum and Homo Educandus
- Homo Sapiens and Homo Culturam.
- The double pructions of human kind in daily life.
- Education and culture
- Mid Semester
- The miohecrs of Education
- The rule of education in human life
- Long life education
- Three inputs in human life
- The competences of teachers.
- Duty and teacher reponsibility.
- Code of ethics and Education profession
What is the meaning of "concept"
Concept is a basic principle of an idea of person or institution on something and it can be explaned and compozed clearly, lucidly. So every body can understand and to apply it.
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